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Part Time Jobs / PR Regulations & Opportunities in Russia
President of Russia Vladimir Putin Simplified Immigration & Foreign Student Work Permission
Work Opportunities for International Students in Russia
Foreign students don't need a work permit to work
This information is copied from Official Internet Portal legal information
State system of legal information of the Russian Federation
Federal Law of 06.02.2020 No. 16-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation "in terms of simplifying the procedure for employment in the Russian Federation of students studying in Russian professional educational organizations and higher education organizations of foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship"
International students will be able to work while studying in Russia without needing to file additional documentation and without work permits. Thanks to a new Amendment that is being introduced in the the Russian Parliament.
The new law easing current work-permit requirements for students comes into effect within 180 days of Putin’s signing, or 4th August 2020. Russia is the world’s seventh-most-popular destination for international students, according to PIE. The Institute for International Education estimated the number of international students from 170 countries in Russia, including those from China and India, at almost 335,000 in 2019.
Original Amendment Sign by President of Russia Vladimir Putin Putin
Click the icon to download the Russian Version of Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation” regarding the simplification of the procedure for employment in the Russian Federation of students of Russian professional and higher education institutions for foreign citizens and stateless persons
English Translation of Amendment Sign by President of Russia Vladimir Putin Putin
Click the icon to download the English Translation of Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation” regarding the simplification of the procedure for employment in the Russian Federation of students of Russian professional and higher education institutions for foreign citizens and stateless persons
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සංශෝධනයේ සිංහල පරිවර්තනය
රුසියානු වෘත්තීය හා උසස් අධ්යාපන විශ්වවිද්යාල වල විදේශීය සිසුන් සඳහා රුසියානු සමූහාණ්ඩුවේ රැකියා සඳහා වන ක්රියා පටිපාටිය සරල කිරීම සම්බන්ධයෙන් “රුසියානු සමූහාණ්ඩුවේ විදේශ පුරවැසියන්ගේ නෛතික තත්ත්වය” පිළිබඳ ෆෙඩරල් නීතියට කරන ලද සංශෝධන සිංහල පරිවර්තනය ලබා ගැනීම සඳහා අයිකනය ක්ලික් කරන්න.